Grilling the Perfect Steak.

Grilling the Perfect Steak.

Grilling the perfect steak is extremely easy on the M1. The trick to grilling the perfect steak is getting a good sear. You need a grill that will get hot, but still be able to adjust the coal grates so you can cook the inside of the steak without burning it up. Let's face it, charcoal is king when it comes to flavor. There is a night and day difference when it comes to flavor with charcoal and gas. That is why we only make charcoal grills. It's flavor over convenience. That M1 does everything you need and more in one unit. Best of all, it's built to last! 

Now let's get on to the video.

What you`ll need.

Some thick mouth watering steaks.
Natural lump charcoal or briquettes.
Kosher Salt and Fresh Black Pepper.
Thyme (optional)

There is simply nothing better.

Watch our Rib Smoking Video and see how you can easily smoke ribs or briskets on the M1.

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